For entrepreneurs, time is money. Phrase Express is a free tool to save you money, by saving you time. It is the tool for PCs that we all take for granted, as it exists on our mobile devices. As we have learned recently, it is important to keep emails to contacts short and concise. No one wants to read a long email, and responding can be overwhelming too. Phrase Express, among other abilities, can help eliminate redundancy. Phrase Express will remember your frequently used text snippets, and make them readily available as you type. Watch the demo below to see it in action!

Not only does Phrase Express complete phrases and sentences for you, but it allows the user to create shortcuts to type their name, or other common signatures. It also has a spell-check feature, for those programs and applications that may not have one built in. Phrase express can be used on an individual computer, or be linked into a network. For the small business owner with numerous employees working with computers on the clock, this will certainly be a time-saver, and help to keep email signatures throughout a company uniform and professional.