Dropbox was founded in 2007 by Drew Houston.  This is a file hosting service space which allows users to store pictures, documents, videos and files.  Any of these types of information downloaded to Dropbox are automatically accessible to the user through computer, phone or the Dropbox website. As a freemium service, customers can get the basic service for free with a limited storage space.  They also offer a pro plan that offers a larger amount of space for a fee.

One of the main benefits of using Dropbox is the ability to backup all of your information in a fast, efficient manner without the worry of it being lost.  Even if the user’s computer crashes with Dropbox there is no reason to worry because their information is safe and secure in their personal storage unit.

A feature that can be especially beneficial for the Entrepreneur is the capability to easily share files in Dropbox.  For situations entailing a group attempting to collaborate this is an important tool to utilize.  Currently in the world there are more than 200 million Dropbox users.  Personally, as a new member of the Dropbox world I am excited to utilize this resource throughout my collegiate career as well as beyond in Entrepreneurship.