F20 Elevator Pitch Registration Form Organization | Company Idea Name*What are you calling your Commercial or Social Enterprise? The Reviewers and Judges will see this along with your name.Organization | Company Idea Type (Choose One Only)* Commercial Enterprise Social Enterprise Primary Contact InformationFirst Name*Last Name*Department of Study*Accounting & FinanceBiblical and Religious StudiesBiologyBusiness AnalysisBusiness--Int'l BusinessBusiness StatsChemistryCommunication & Visual ArtsComputer ScienceEconomics & SociologyEducationElectrical & Computer EngineeringEnglishEntrepreneurshipExercise ScienceHistoryMathematicsManagement & MarketingMechanical EngineeringModern LanguagesMusicNursingPhysicsPolitical SciencePsychology & Social WorkUndeclaredOtherPlease Specify:Grad Year*2021202220232024None of the aboveCampus BoxCell*Email (GCC email ONLY)* Student ID number*Are you required to register for a class?* Yes No Which class (select one)?*ENTR 101A: Entrepreneurial Mind (Sweet)ENTR 101B: Entrepreneurial Mind (Sweet)BUSA 204C: Principles of Marketing (Powell)BUSA 204D: Principles of Marketing (Powell)ENTR 307: Social Entrepreneurship (Sweet/English)OtherPlease Specify:*Please list additional team members (max. 3), if any, and include name, grad year, and dept. of study:If selected as a Finalist, can you present your pitch in a global VIRTUAL live event on Nov. 6 @ 7PM?* Yes No Please explain:*How did you hear about the EPC?* E+I Newsletter Classroom Slide Digital Screen on campus Faculty member suggested/recommended I register A friend Other Description of Commercial or Social Enterprise*(Please use 100 words or less)Submission Waiver:I attest to, agree with, and accept the following: This Elevator Pitch is the original work of the student author. The student author retains all rights to the pitch in accordance with the GCC intellectual policy regarding its use at all times prior to and following the competition. The Elevator Pitch will be evaluated by competition judges who will be expected to respect the intellectual property of the students, and therefore, not disclose or use the contents of the pitch for any purposes other than its evaluation. Round 3 (FINALS) will be LIVESTREAMED and recorded and my acceptance below constitutes permission to do so. Round 3 (FINALS) will be viewable and open to the public and is a form of public disclosure and may affect patentability. The College and its select employees will have the right to use photos and video for promotional, educational, and appropriate academic purposes. The decision of the judges is final. Waiver* I accept I do not accept Signature*Please type in your name as your "signature" to indicate that you accept the terms of the waiver. Δ