GCC Alumni Are Changing the World
The entrepreneurial mindset not only lends itself to entrepreneurship in new ventures, but innovation within established businesses too! We are so proud of our alumni making major strides in the corporate, nonprofit, and small business worlds. We hope you enjoy their stories, wisdom, and beautiful faces as much as we do!
Browse through stories of a few of our past Entrepreneurship majors who are now innovating within existing companies. To read about our alumni who have started their own businesses, visit our Ventures page, here.
E+I Alumni Paths
We love talking about the huge variety of things our alumni have accomplished after graduation. Take a look at just some of the job titles Entrepreneurship majors have held. You may notice that while their positions are diverse, all of these alumni are using the foundational skills of entrepreneurship at work. Problem-solving, initiative, flexibility and adaptability, critical and analytical thinking, creativity, and more are a daily part of the roles and responsibilities of an Entrepreneurship graduate.
Tell Us Your Story
We love staying in touch with alumni and hearing what our #gccentrepreneurs are up to now! If you or an Entrepreneurship alum you know would like to submit your experience as an innovator within an existing company, we would love to hear from you.