Hannah Vaccaro ’18
Product Operations Manager at ConnectiveRX
As a student, Hannah was well-prepared for the tasks of her current job from the real-world experiences her Entrepreneurship classes gave her. She is especially grateful for the lessons the Entrepreneurship program taught her in ‘speaking strategically’ and for the opportunity to experience different fields of business in her Entrepreneurship classes (finance, accounting, marketing, management, and more). Upon graduation, Hannah participated in the Pittsburgh Fellows program, a faith-based community of graduates placed in jobs directly related to their skills, interests, and experiences. In her current job, Hannah utilizes methods of innovation to create solutions for pharma-related needs. This is a cross-functional job that has her take ideas and concepts and implement them in a variety of fields (financial, marketing, medical, etc). You can think or her like a translator or link between the business and medical spheres.
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