Round One: Intent to Compete FollowFollowFollowFollow Venture Name*Idea Type* Commercial Social Commercial with a Social Mission Other Team Leader* First Last Major*Year*Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or SeniorCell Phone Number*Your GCC Email Address* Enter Email Confirm Email Team Member(s)First NameLast NameMajorYear For "Year," enter Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior. For each additional team member, click on the (+) button to the right to add a new set of fields.Idea Description*Link to 90 second pitch*This should be a link to a YouTube video.Upload Canvas (PDF)*Max. file size: 100 MB.Commercial: Business Model Canvas | Social: Mission Model CanvasClick here to read the E+I Media Policy.I have read and understand the E+I Media Policy. I agree to adhere to this Media Policy.* I agree to the E+I Media Policy. How did you hear about the Wolverine Venture Battle?*Did you see an ad for the Wolverine Venture Battle in the Collegian?* Yes No I don't remember I don't read the Collegian Δ