Commercial Category Review Form (Backup) Step 1 of 6 16% Your Name* First Last Your Email*A duplicate of your submission will be sent to this email address. May the team contact you with questions?*YesNoI prefer that my feedback remain anonymous.NoYesWhat concept are you reviewing?*BattlestampConnectFortiflyHygiene HiveIDwearMarbledMeet CuteMoSpoOdysseySaaSquatchSizeSyncSleek Real-Estate photographyStriker SocksTooli The Problem*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("There's nothing here.") and "5" being the best ("The problem/pain/gain is clear.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding the Problem*The Solution*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("I do not believe that the proposed solution solves the problem.") and "5" being the best ("I can see how the proposed solution solves the problem.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding the Solution* Unique Value Proposition*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("Meh. There's nothing new here.") and "5" being the best ("Truly unique offering! Different and effective.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding the Unique Value Proposition*Customer Segments*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("I feel like they're just guessing who the customer is.") and "5" being the best ("The team proved who their customer is.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding the Customer Segments* Channels and Customer Relationships*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("There is no strategy to get, keep, and grow customers.") and "5" being the best ("I completely understand how they will reach their customers.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Channels and Customer Relationships*Unfair Advantage*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("Anyone can do what this team is proposing.") and "5" being the best ("This venture might have unfair advantages over the competition.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Unfair Advantage* Key Metrics*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("This team does not know how to measure its progress.") and "5" being the best ("I understand what metrics are important to measure the success of this team.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Key Metrics*Cost Structure*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("The team did not address costs/expenses.") and "5" being the best ("The team has a strong understanding of their costs and expenses.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Cost Structure* Revenues*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("Unreasonable assumptions and unrealistic revenue expectations") and "5" being the best ("Reasonable pricing and revenue assumptions/model - compelling.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Revenues*Video Quality*Rate from 1-5 with "1" being the worst ("What the heck was that?") and "5" being the best ("The video was impressive and well organized.").54321Feedback/Comments regarding Video Quality*Total Score (Automatically Calculated) Δ