Rocket Pitch, sponsored by the Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation at Grove City College, was created for BEST Robotics by a small group of students under the instruction of Professor Ken Smith. BEST Robotics is a middle and high school robotics competition whose mission is to engage and excite students about engineering, science, and technology as well as inspire them to pursue careers in these fields. The mission of Rocket Pitch is to empower middle and high school students to think about their hobbies through an entrepreneurial lense, equipping them with the tools to create a business plan and present it with poise and conviction. BEST students are given video lectures in four modules teaching them how to use the Business Model Canvas (BMC), iterate their BMC through research, build a brand promise, and prepare to present for the Marketing Plan Competition. The students are also given a template of the BMC to print out and use throughout the BEST program. The Rocket Pitch team will be available on Kick-Off Day offering two installments of the same workshop walking students and mentors through the BMC as well as to answer any questions about the Rocket Pitch program.
The Team
Ken Smith
Abigail Griffith
Administrative Assistant + Marketing Coordinator
Cameron Suorsa
The Tools
Module 1 is an introduction to the Business Model Canvas (BMC). The BMC, a management tool used by lean startups to visually depict all aspects of a business, has been remodeled specifically with YOU the robotics students in mind, giving you examples and ideas relevant to your endeavors. Learn about formulating your Value Proposition, deciding on the Key Activities needed to build your business, and more! This will help you effectively solve the problem being experienced by your customers! Most importantly, this video will teach you how to discover if your business will succeed!
Module 2 is a lesson about how to perform meaningful research that will help you iterate your BMC. Research and iteration are important, yet often overlooked steps in the business planning process. This will help you make sure your are on the right path, using the right information, and forming a successful venture.
Module 3 guides you through the process of creating your brand identity. This is who your company is to your customers. Learn how to create an effective mission statement and a meaningful logo so that your business will resonate with your customers. When your customers know who you are in words and visuals, they will think of you and how your robot solves the problem they have.
Module 4 helps you effectively and thoroughly prepare for the Marketing Plan Presenatation. Use these tips to wow your judges on presentation day so all of the hard work you put in over the last six weeks will result in high scores! Don’t forget to practice, practice, practice!
Below are links to other resources. Check them out if you need further assisstance!
Still have questions?
Click the link below to contact one of the Rocket Pitch team members. We will have a response in 24 hours.