Since I was young, I always knew that I wanted to be a business owner. Two very different things I enjoy are cars, and beauty (such as hair, makeup, nails etc.). I always thought it would be great if I could join these two hobbies together into an unusual business. The idea is to be able to have your car worked on, and while you wait be able to get your hair, makeup, nails, etc. or even enjoy a day at the spa. I got the idea to have a two sided business when I was tired of being bored while I waited for my car to get done being worked on. As I thought about it, I wasn’t quite sure what exactly I would provide potential customers with while they wait.
A few years later, I came across a business that allows you to get your nails done while you’re waiting for your car. I was shocked when I saw this, especially when I saw how successful they were! This inspired me and gave me hope that one day I too could launch a similar business. I had always been hesitant since cars and beauty are two opposite extremes. I always was given negative feedback from my peers, but I soon realized it wasn’t an impossible idea after talking to more people with experience and watching the business I discovered flourish.