Social media has become and continues to be such an integral part of growing any business. While Facebook and Twitter are already well established platforms for brands, businesses and companies, a growing realm is the stereotypically over-filtered teenage girl picture sharing world known as Instagram. While often looked down upon, smarter companies have been realizing it for the effective tool that it is.

Instagram currently has over 200 million monthly users, with 75 million checking their feed every day. However, while that seems like a monstrously large number, it is key to remember that the majority of Instagram users are teenagers. 85% of those aged 16-19 regularly use an Instagram account.

Therefore, while Instagram isn’t always an amazingly game-changing tool for every business it can drastically improve the market reach for those who target are millennials. Some brands have already caught the “gramming” bug and launched quite successful media campaigns through that outlet. Some examples include Keds, American Eagle and various colleges.

If you’re targeting your entrepreneurial endeavor towards people of our generation at all, don’t forget about Instagram.