I love music and the arts. I also love innovation and entrepreneurship. So when those things work together, I get pretty excited, and that’s just what Mahogany does. Mahogany is an online platform promoting less-known musicians to their thousands of followers. They started off as a content-creating blog, writing about musicians that inspired them and embodied their mission, which in their words was “to deliver great music to your eyes and ears, as often as possible.” They put the blogging on hold and started to develop their video production skills, working with artists to promote them through what they now call the Mahogany Sessions. Since their online presence took off, they have been able to establish something of a physical presence in London as well. There they work directly with artists to stage concerts and promote more live music as well.
In 2013, they turned their attention back towards their website and the online aspects of their venture. They have since gathered quite a following and have worked with artists such as George Ezra, James Bay, and Lucy Rose. Their new and recently improved website is simply-designed, aesthetically pleasing, and easy to navigate. They attract traffic to their site by establishing an excellent and appropriate social media presence. They use Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube in natural ways that attract the right audience with the right medium. Mahogany is constantly striving for excellence and innovation in all aspects of their business, keeping content fresh and appealing for their target audience.