As a consumer, I am always in the loop with a company I’m interested in. I can find things I need for a great price right at my fingertips. Mostly, because of the emails they send me and the website they have. Both consumers and businesses benefit from communication like email and the information on a website. Companies are able to get their word out there to people who have purchased items before or have expressed interest in the businesses products. All the while, consumers get to see what products and promotions their favorite stores are offering them.
Small businesses and entrepreneurs, frequently do not take advantage of email and websites. Think of all the information entrepreneurs could share if they started using email and websites more effectively. More importantly, think of the profit that could arise from informing and promoting a small business. Emails and websites are a great way to market that can have real benefit to a business. And MailChimp, is a great way to do that.
MailChimp is a service that allows you to see exactly who you’re reaching as a marketer, and how your emails and website are making an impact. MailChimp will allow entrepreneurs to see who deleted their emails, who opened their emails, and if the individual visited the site after opening. Real statistics are sent to the entrepreneur about the success or failure of the emails. This information tells so much about the entrepreneurs market. Entrepreneurs can see exactly who generating business is for them and how to more effectively market to the segment they have targeted. Also, based on the market, MailChimp generates the perfect date and time to send emails.
Through MailChimp, business owners can also see who visited their website, what was clicked on, and make profiles for each customer. These customer profiles can be edited and given notes, so each connection an entrepreneur makes can be recorded and noted. This way entrepreneurs can be in constant contact with their target market and interested customers.
This is a great tool that not only allows the connecting to customers through email and website, but allows entrepreneurs to see exactly who is interested in their product and how to successfully market to them, allowing the business to better serve its niche. Plus, all of this information is right at the entrepreneurs fingertips through MailChimp’s new mobile apps. Truly, MailChimp brings a new aspect to email marketing and website success, especially for entrepreneurs.
Authors Note: I actually had a chance to work with MailChimp at an internship I had a year ago. It really is an amazing service. You get to see exactly the action each person takes when the email is received, allowing me to learn exactly who is interested in the specific product the email was about. I learned so much about the company’s specific market, and how to better serve them, through MailChimp.
Email and MailChimp are great tools for any business. But, entrepreneurs should definitely take advantage of it.