Wow – I cannot believe this is my last blog post of the semester! Time has quite literally flown by.
So this is the “Red Light/Green Light” post. The post where I state if Scribble Scrubs is moving forward or coming to an end. Well, I’m happy to say that Scribble Scrubs is definitely moving forward! While this isn’t yet a fully operating business, I am planning on doing a test run with a hospital this summer. There has been so much positive feedback from medical professionals that I feel confident I can keep pursuing this idea. The goal is to be operational by the end of the summer so I can run Scribble Scrubs as an e-commerce business next fall.
Through Venture Lab this semester, I’ve learned several valuable lessons. There is nothing like real world experience teaching you! My biggest takeaways are definitely that I need to worry less, be comfortable being uncomfortable, and strive to be the best communicator I can be.
The most exciting part of a working on this startup has been the positive reactions from my target market. Nothing like making a product that people not only want, but one that can help others as well. There has also been great support from people who wouldn’t necessarily buy Scribble Scrubs caps, but still think it’s a good idea.
Finally, working through Venture Lab has given me some confidence in my entrepreneurial skills. I’m incredibly passionate entrepreneurial ideas that can positively impact or help others. Developing the skills I need to pursue these kinds of ideas had been an enormous help. I’m so grateful that I’ve had this opportunity to learn, grown, make mistakes, and be inspired.