“See what content is resonating with your audience. Refine and strengthen your content marketing strategy with competitive landscape insights”- Rival IQ. In the fast paced always updating world of social media it can be difficult to keep tract of what is actually ‘resonating’ with a companies vast audience. That is where Rival IQ comes in. Rival IQ uses a piece of software to collect data from all your companies social network pages. It then gives you a dash board of all your posts, comments, followers and likes and tells you what part of your marking strategy is working and what is not. But perhaps even more important than the personal evaluation of your company, Rival IQ gives you the option to analyze your competitors strategy and their social media numbers as well.
As an entrepreneur trying to compete for their share of the market, I believe that this tool is vital for the progression of a business. Instead of managing several different pages, making sure they are updated and ensuring the involvement of followers, Rival IQ takes this daunting task and breaks down into a simple set of numbers as well as personalized list of do’s and dont’s for each company based on the response each social media page is receiving. The market is based around customer satisfaction and value and Rival IQ takes these principles to the next level by giving you the information you need about your own company as well as your competition.
The ability to successfully analyze your competition is a difficult and coveted process in today’s market. Knowing what is wrong with your own company, often comes through finding what is right in your competition’s. By analyzing your competitors social media pages, Rival IQ gives you a clear picture of what you need to accomplish to take over a larger share your market. “Rival IQ searches the Internet, gathering data and content from multiple social network channels, thousands of websites and SEO ranking systems. We consolidate the data so you can easily filter to see how you and your competitors are performing to create informed marketing benchmarks”. In the quickly evolving market we live in Rival IQ does a stellar job of narrowing down someones marketing goals and options, without bothering the customer for insight or reviews. I see endless application that can come out of company like this and only wish I had come up with the idea first. Clink on the picture for more info.