Making an expense report not suck is surprisingly difficult! The tedious task of keeping track of all business expenses is a job that nobody wants to do. On-the-go entrepreneurs need a quick and easily accessible way get rid of this bothersome job. Not only that, but they need something that can do some pretty amazing things, quickly, reliably, and on a global scale.

Luckily, the world we live in is a great place, as we now have access to tools like these. Expensify is the leading example of this sort of expense-management technology. Expensify is an online and mobile application that helps you track your expenses and saves time by creating expense reports automatically. This application has many of them but one of the greatest features of it is the OCR technology which lets you scan and store receipts. Not only that, but it will also automatically extract information such as the exact vendor the expense was purchased from, the amount spent, and the product purchased by entering it in your database. You also have the option to email your receipts to Expensify and the data will be into your own database. All of this is very handy when you have to rush to some meeting and don’t have time to manually record the transaction.

Whether you’re a mobile engineer, a designer, or a sales generalist, these tools are readily available to help control your expenses. With this app you can actually spend time on developing your business rather than spending your precious minutes in saving receipts and searching for them when you need to make a report. Having an accurate idea about your expenses also takes some stress off your shoulders so you can focus on other tasks at hand!

If you’re interested in learning more about the app and want to dive into some really cool stuff, click the link below!