Of all the entrepreneurs I know, I would have to say that this man is one of the most admirable.
Not only does he play the guitar barefoot, but he is also the Pastor at my home church in Eastern Pennsylvania. Pastor Steve began pastoring at the church in 1987; however, he was part of the church’s start-up in the late 1970s.
Starting a church from the ground up is not an easy task. The first couple of Sundays the church met in an apartment as a BIble study. This Bible study grew quickly and before they knew it the church was renting out an elementary school gym, and was eventually able to establish a church building in a little town in Eastern PA.
Pastors are not the stereotypical “entrepreneur”. Oftentimes, the word entrepreneur is associated with an individual in the business of starting up a for-profit company or organization.
When you think about it, though, pastors are some of the most “entrepreneurial” entrepreneurs.
When Pastors are obedient to their God-given calling to leave the “comfortable” and start a church from the ground up, they are living out the entrepreneurial life. A church is an organization that requires upkeep, financial regulating, and employees. Not only this, but it also requires immense dedication to building a congregation and a willingness to accept the potential financial risks associated with starting an organization from the ground up.
So, Pastor Steve, on behalf of the congregation of 2016, thank you for being entrepreneurial. Thank you for being dedicated. And thank you for being willing to accept the ups and downs that come along with starting a church. Your tireless efforts are recognized and so appreciated.