by Robert Koons | Apr 29, 2020 | Challenge & Inspire, COVID-19
COVID-19 Is testing entrepreneurs and businesses alike in a way we have never experienced before. It is times like these that truly test a business’s willingness to serve their community and the greater good. Giving back in these times can look very different for...
by Emily Geiger | Apr 22, 2019 | Challenge & Inspire, Events, Uncategorized
Introductions On April 8th, Grove City College students flooded into Sticht Lecture hall to hear Panera Bread’s CEO discuss transformative leadership. Each semester, the Center for Entrepreneurship + Innovation hosts the Richard G. Staley ’62 Visionary...
by Elizabeth Finnegan | Mar 8, 2019 | Challenge & Inspire, Praxis
The Busy Trap + The Rule of Life Seeking Balance in an Age of Busyness and Overstimulation What’s this talk about the “Busy Trap”? Years ago, Tim Kreider, author and essayist at The New York Times, wrote a column on a social phenomenon dominating...
by Emily Geiger | Feb 13, 2019 | Challenge & Inspire, VentureLab
Battling Mental Health with Redemptive Entrepreneurship, Service, Humility, and Surrender by Emily Geiger “My heart is not proud, LORD, my eyes are not haughty; I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. 2 But I have calmed and...
by Levi Roberts | May 18, 2018 | Challenge & Inspire, Student Voice, VentureLab
By day, this post is known as “The Hardest Part of Starting Up.” Have you ever tried to build a sandwich with a friend while the both of you sit atop a speeding motorcycle? If you answered “yes,” then you and I have both worked on a startup...
by Mark Sotomayor | May 2, 2018 | Challenge & Inspire, Student Voice, VentureLab
The hardest part of starting up – where do I start? There are so many difficulties in the early stages of a business. Most that I have experienced have been around the business concept in itself. Oftentimes, startups have to solve a huge problem or they...