by Garrett O'Toole | Apr 29, 2018 | ENTR409: Internet Entrepreneurship
Nowadays, presentations are so common, especially in the business world. They have become the go-to format in conveying certain ideas and findings. While this is good in some sense, this means that presentations as a whole are getting watered down due to how common...
by Garrett O'Toole | Apr 26, 2018 | ENTR409: Internet Entrepreneurship, Events
Last Friday, April 20th, Grove City College will be hosted their very own Shark Tank competition with pitches from current students. The goal of the competition is to pick an idea for $1k and under to benefit the campus and student body experience. This pitch-style...
by Garrett O'Toole | Apr 13, 2018 | ENTR409: Internet Entrepreneurship
SEO is an integral part of any business strategy to drive traffic to your site and to your brand. There are two main types of SEO: paid and organic. For young entrepreneurs, focusing solely on organic SEO is a good practice, because it only costs an investment of...
by Garrett O'Toole | Apr 12, 2018 | ENTR409: Internet Entrepreneurship
Branding is crucial to the success of any young startup. Having a strong brand allows consumers to be more easily attracted to your site and products, promoting customer loyalty. Building a strong brand that has very loyal customers also has many other benefits, like...
by Garrett O'Toole | Mar 24, 2018 | ENTR409: Internet Entrepreneurship
Websites are crucial to any startup’s business. Without a website, or even with a poor website, businesses will fail because potential customers will not be able to discover the business and the niche it fulfills. With a good website, potential customers can become...