Have you ever wondered what people were saying about your company? What competitors, critics, and consumers were saying? Mention is a web app that can instantly connect companies to social media and blogs all over the web.
Companies no longer have to be in the dark as to what people think of them. Connecting to the social media community has never been easier. Instead of having to spend time checking social media and searching for any mention of your company’s name, you simply input key words and mention will bring up any posts involving your key terms. Mention searches the web and other social media, using written algorithms that take thousands of data points into account, searches for your keywords and turns them into intelligent data. This data makes it easier for companies to strengthen and further develop their company, knowing what people like, and what may need to improve.
Mention is a fairly simple concept, and is easy to use. Companies can form teams and collaborate together, responding to new conversations while they are happening. It connects companies to new and old reviews about the company.
Mention was created three years ago in Paris, France. Today, it serves over 350,000 companies in over 125 countries. This web app has revolutionized the way companies manage their social media presence, allowing them to connect to consumers in a way they never could before.