Asana is. . .
a great task management tool provided to us through both the web and mobile apps. Asana allows businesses to share, organize, plan, and keep track of tasks that every team member is working on. These qualities make it a wonderful productivity tool for entrepreneurs!
What is so great about it?
Besides the fact that it is absolutely free, Asana offers many services that surpass simple email. They include:
- Adding every employee to the work space
- Creating tasks
- Organizing tasks into projects, meetings, & lists
- Setting task due dates and other important events
- The ability to comment and have conversations about tasks
- Adding files from Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. to your work
- Mobile app updates
Why should entrepreneurs get Asana?
As young entrepreneurs, we need to be looking for tools that are both easy to use and not extremely costly. If you’re a poor college student like me, free apps and websites are right up your alley!
Asana has so many videos and how-to blogs teaching us ways to navigate through and benefit fully from their services, which makes it even more appealing because it is so easy to use.
Asana tells us their mission is to:
“Help humanity thrive by enabling all teams to work together effortlessly.”
Their mission shows that they are essentially “customer-driven” and going to improve their services continually to ensure teams can actually work together effortlessly.
Their website also states:
“We built Asana to improve the productivity of teams and increase the potential output of every team’s effort.”
With the Asana team working so hard to increase your business’s productivity, how could investing time in this free tool go wrong?
I love this! This is a great inexpensive tool for entrepreneurs to use to stay on track. Great find Alana! I would for sure use a program like this for a budding business.