In this increasing tech world it is becoming more and more essential for businesses to not only have a website, but a mobile app. Consumers are using their phones more than ever and the Apps are one the first things customers looks for. As an entrepreneur it is essential for you have someone on payroll that can generate this for you, or you outsource it to someone who can build you one!

One of my friends I met this summer started a business on the premise of this unmet need. DevelAppMe was started by Clayton Nedza and his business partner George Orlin. They were friends with all these entrepreneurs and business owners who were itching to start competitive businesses, but did not have the technological background to make their vision a reality.

DevelAppMe will build custom Apps for any sort of business. They have a team of highly qualified developers that build these Apps for immerging and existing businesses.

You might be asking yourself… are Apps really that affective? As an entrepreneur is this essential?

Through this graph we can see the mobile commerce sales have spiked greatly over the past couple years. In order to be a competitive business from the start you NEED a functioning App.

Why outsource?

  • They are experts in what they do
  • Less for you to worry about
  • One flat rate, don’t have to hire someone

So if you are considering starting a business make sure  along with a functioning website you construct a phone app. DevelAppMe is a team of young entrepreneurs like us, and they would be happy to work with any of you to make your entrepreneurial vision a reality.