In my experience working with non-profits and social enterprises, I have never used a more valuable online platform such as HootSuite. Not only is it used to monitor all forms of social media sites for a business, but it can also enable the social media and marketing department to interact, keep an eye on clients, and observe other successful and competitive business models.

HootSuite is a social media management platform designed by Ryan Holmes in 2008 and has saved companies the trouble of having to monitor all of their social media sites separately. Scheduling posts and ads also save entrepreneurs a lot of time when it comes to having to remember when and at what time to post vital information or social media announcements for their company. Rather than stopping in the middle of the day to send out a social media blast, entrepreneurs that work with HootSuite can schedule posts for optimal times where they might reach target demographics (i.e. working mothers usually check social media before they leave for work/ send their children to school; teenagers heavily check social media at night, etc.)

Furthermore, HootSuite is the perfect example of a B2B model that every successful entrepreneur should investigate for their startup in the future. In my opinion, there can never be too much interaction on social media for businesses…especially since a majority of today’s clients can be located on the internet.